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Sermons Power Package 6
LA-1001 God's Alarm Clock: Romans 13:11-12
LA-1002 A Number Heaven Couldn't Count: Revelations 7:9

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LA-1003 My Mission Is Accomplished: John 19:30 

 LA-1004 Stay on the Wall: Nehemiah 6:14  

 LA-1005 The Sweetest Name I Know: Matthew 1:23  

LA-1006 It’s not all about Us; It’s about Him: John 4:23-24   
LA-1007 He Saw the Best in Me: John 15:13 

LA-1008 Get Your Mind Right: James 4:7-8  

LA-1009 No Weapons Shall Prosper: Isaiah 54:17  

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LA-1010 I'm Black and I'm Proud: Exodus 1:11-14  

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Entire 25 Sermons On This Page $40.00
LA-1011 Get Your Shine On: Matthew 5:14-16

LA-1012 There's No Place Like Home: Genesis 33:16-20 

LA-1013 It's So Hard to Say Goodbye: John 19:25-27  

 LA-1014 Forgive Your Judas': John 13:18   

 LA-1015 It's Time to Cross Over: Joshua 1:8-9  

LA-1016 The Power of a Prayer Meeting: Acts 12:5   

LA-1017 Let Go and Let God: Psalms 3:1-8 

LA-1018 Get Up It's Over: John 5:8  

LA-1019 Check Yourself; Before You Wreck Yourself: Matthew 7:1-5  

LA-1020 The Resurrected Redeemer: Matthew 28:6  

LA-1021 I May be Down; but I’m Not Out!: 2 Timothy 4:6-7 

LA-1022 The Man Who Carried Jesus’ Cross: Matthew 27:32 

LA-1023 I Need You to Survive: 2 Timothy 3:1-5
 LA-1024 A Great Tsunami is on the Way: Matthew 24:36-41

LA-1025 Encourage Yourself: 1 Samuel 30:6

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