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   YQ-7010 A Charge To Keep I Have: 2nd Timothy 4:1-2 
WP-3349 Drop Your Rock: John 8:7-11
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AR-1549 Elijah Your Ride Is Coming: 2nd Kings 2:11-12  
 SP-0316 Follow The Leader Part 1: Numbers 16:25            
SP-0317 Follow The Leader Part 2: Hebrews 13:17     
SP-0318 Follow The Leader Part 3: Acts 6:1-4
OX-5503 Go Home And Stay: Isaiah 26:20  
PZ-1107 God's Valentine's Gift: John 3:16
ZE-0093 Have A Great Sunday: Matthew 28:6 
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NH-1779 He's Back By Popular Demand: John 20:19-23 
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Entire 25 Sermons On This Page $40.00
     JP-0379 He Has Risen: 1 Corinthians 15:20-26,55 
   SS-3378 How Deep Are You Roots?: Psalm 1:3
PX-7711 I Don't Feel No Ways Tired: Acts 27: 31, 42-44    
 CW-1079 I'm Tired But I Refuse To Quit: John 4:6              
  ZA-5223 It's Friday! But Sunday Is Coming: Luke 23:44-49  
PR-2704 It's Time To Get Lit: 1 John 1:6-7       
YN-1089 It's Time To Wake Up: Romans 13:11  
JP-0379 Looking In Two Directions: Philippians 3:13-14 
DH-1969 So What's Next: Psalm 39:1-3   
WW-2023 The Cure For Unnecessary Drama1 Peter 3:8-11   
     YR-2244 The Devil’s Playbook2 Corinthians 2:11 
SQ-1934 The Lord Is My ShepherdPsalm 23:1 
JR-0097 The Night The Jail House RockedActs 16:25-26            
TB-9723 There’s No Shame In My GameRomans 1:16    
XP-4931 This Battle Is The Lord’sPsalm 124:1-8    
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